
Last Update: 03/11/2018

Scrabble Dictionary Verification API (Free)

Our Scrabble Dictionary Verification is part of our free API with a max daily call of 3k. Our other types of API's are part of our commercial version will require you to upgrade your account.

Our Scrabble Dictionary Verification part of our API will let you know whether a word is parts of the official scrabble dictionary, along with that we also verify with sowpods and wwf (Words With Friends)


Our API returns all calls in an XML format.


Example Output

<?xml version="1.0"?>

Tag Explinations

0 = Word Not Found | 1 = Word Found
<entry> = Each word is seperated by the "entry" tag
<word> = The word in which you are checking
<scrabble> = Returns 0 or 1 if a valid word in the Official Scrabble Word List
<scrabblescore> = Returns the total score of the word in Scrabble List.
<sowpods> = Returns 0 or 1 if a valid word in the SOWPODS Word List
<sowpodsscore> = Returns the total score of the word in SOWPODS List.
<wwf> = Returns 0 or 1 if a valid word in the Words With Friends Word List (ENABLE)
<wwfscore> = Returns the total score of the word in Words With Friends List.

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