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Kleenex Sentence Examples

Five knuckles and a kleenex is much more edifying than seeing her o-face, I can tell you0 | 0 |
He was surrounded by dozens of kleenex boxes that he continuously stacked and re-arranged.0 | 0 |
Raymond went inside whenever jodi needed a kleenex to dry her tears.0 | 0 |
Read whole storypost-breakup, pulling yourself out of a pit of despair and soggy kleenex is not the easiest thing to do.0 | 0 |
Throughout these sessions, tetia serves as a comforting guide who is always ready with a glass of wine, some words of wisdom, or a kleenex if needed.0 | 0 |
* The following sentence examples have been gathered from multiple sources to keep up with the current times, none of them represent the opinions of Word Game Dictionary

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