
Yes, go is in the scrabble dictionary

...and is worth 4 points by itself.

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Word Fact:
"Go!" is the shortest grammatically correct sentence in English.


1. Informal Functioning correctly and ready for action: All systems are go.

2. Functioning properly being in good and ready condition .

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1. Flames To be utterly destroyed.

2. From the word go From the very beginning.

3. Go all the way Slang To have sexual intercourse.

4. Go back on To fail to honor or keep: go back on a promise.

5. Go belly up Informal To undergo total financial failure: "A record number of . . . banks went belly up” ( New Republic).

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1. A Japanese game for two, played with counters on a board that is ruled with 19 vertical and 19 horizontal lines.

2. An attempt; an effort: had a go at acting.

3. Informal Energy; vitality: had lots of go.

4. Informal Informal A situation in which planned operations can be effectuated: The space mission is a go.

5. Informal The go-ahead.

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1. Go about To set about to do; undertake: Go about your chores in a responsible way.

2. Go along To cooperate: They get along by going along.

3. Go around To go here and there; move from place to place.

4. Go around To have currency: rumors going around.

5. Go around To satisfy a demand or requirement: just enough food to go around.

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1. To move on a course .

2. To move out of or away from a place expressed or implied .

3. To take a certain course or follow a certain procedure .

4. To pass by means of a process like journeying .

5. To proceed without delay and often in a thoughtless or reckless manner .

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